Showing posts with label #poem of sadness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #poem of sadness. Show all posts

Monday, 11 January 2016

Wind at our back

I can't wait 'til the Summer,
for this cold to be gone,
for the leaves to be sprouting,
and those spring-morning runs!

When we pack our horse,
and polish its chrome,
dressed in leather and cool,
call the highway our own.

Imagine the fun
those roads heel to us
Our days in the sun,
with a tank full of gas.

When the winds kiss our cheeks,
in the mid-summer day,
when the rays of the sun,
will guide our way.

 Can you promise me, babe,
that this winter so hard,
is just step on the road,
where we're never apart!

All my love,

Monday, 4 May 2015

A beautiful Poem of my beautiful friend

I remember the day, I met you by chance,
we hung out in the kitchen and I felt like home.
I had found a friend, someone that listened to me
and still remembered every word the next time we met!
Sometimes month would pass, life got so busy,
but whenever we saw each other again, 
it was like that first time in the kitchen
We talked, we laughed, never cried...I do that now!
If I would have known last week when I saw you for the last time,
that death will visit you before I will, 
would I have taken it for granted that you would be there tomorrow?
What if I would have known, that when we said Good Bye,
that it really was the last hug and the last kiss.
What if I would have known that it would be the last time 
we will talk about our loved ones, our hopes, our dreams,
would I have stayed a little longer, and hugged you a little closer?
Now you are in heaven, left all the worries behind,
like so many loved ones with broken hearts.
Your life was too short, you were too young to go!
I miss you, there is a void in my heart,
I lost my beautiful friend! 
But the day will come when I will meet you again,
we will hang out in heaven's kitchen
and it will be like the first time we ever met!

I love you girlfriend
R.I.P. Juanita

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


by Ilona Rosenthal-Payne

When a heart is hurt, everything changes
the world you loved suddenly disappears,
all that's left is the shell of another new day,
into which you stumble with no direction.

When hurt holds you hostage and fear is your friend,
when the raging wind of change blows into your face
and fury burns like raging fire in the depth of your soul,
when life lost it's fragrance like the withered rose in the sun.

When memories kiss you onto your cheek at night,
and you pray to God to be strong one more time,
when the dawn of the day is light years away,
and darkness hovers over you like a ghost of the past.

That's when you need to search for the voice of your soul,
that's whispering to you softly a promise of hope,
don't stay in the darkness come into the light,
where the sun is shining and the rose is in bloom.

Let a new day begin with a sunset of joy,
give thanks to the blessings that surround you today,
take a walk with your friend, sing your children to sleep,
don't surrender to sorrow but let love lead your way.