Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts

Monday, 11 January 2016

Wind at our back

I can't wait 'til the Summer,
for this cold to be gone,
for the leaves to be sprouting,
and those spring-morning runs!

When we pack our horse,
and polish its chrome,
dressed in leather and cool,
call the highway our own.

Imagine the fun
those roads heel to us
Our days in the sun,
with a tank full of gas.

When the winds kiss our cheeks,
in the mid-summer day,
when the rays of the sun,
will guide our way.

 Can you promise me, babe,
that this winter so hard,
is just step on the road,
where we're never apart!

All my love,

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Bird Eye View

Bird Eye View!

by Ilona Rosenthal-Payne

I just sat here dreaming,
on my window with a tea,
when I saw something gleaming,
on the branch before me!

I focused my eyes,
on the branch with the game,
that to my surprise,
was beautiful & tame!

I scrolled on my screen,
with the care of a hunter,
I blinked at the scene,
for a second or under!

Then I lifted my view,
back to the trees in the winds,
no feathers in blue,
that carry its wings?

The moral of the story,
the lesson of the dream:
if you get a glimpse of glory,
even small it might seem!

Keep your mind on above,
because in the blink of an eye,
can the moments you love,
have passed you by!